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Don’t miss the NativityMiguel Junior Board’s 4th Annual Meat Raffle! Join us virtually on Thursday, March 11th at 7pm when our Junior Board members will go live online to spin the wheel of names, allowing us to win our steaks and sausages from the comfort of our own homes.

Click here to buy your tickets now!

*Please note: This site will work on your mobile device, but it may be easier to navigate on a computer or laptop*

When you buy one admission ticket, your name will be entered into every spin of all 10 rounds of the raffle – that’s 30 spins total! Each round will feature top-of-the-line meat packages from Federal Meats. If you’re a winner, you will be able to pick up your meat at the Federal Meats Kensington location (2102 Kensington Ave).

All proceeds from this event benefit the NativityMiguel Scholarship Fund. Thank you for your support!