Annual Appeal 2022
Annual Fund Campaign 2023

No one comes to Nativity by accident. You must look for it, you must seek it out. If you are here, it is because you need to be here for yourself, for our students, because it is part of the plan that is made up. Why are you here?
Drawn from a reflective poem entitled “No One Comes to Nativity By Accident”, this quote is one we reflect upon often at NativityMiguel Buffalo. Every member of our staff, me included, has a reason for choosing this path.
For some, the decision is about offering a quality education in a safe, healthy environment to our students. For others, the decision is about the desire to give back to the community around us. And for others, the decision is deeply personal because NativityMiguel Buffalo gives them a sense of belonging.
As the reflection states, my decision to join NativityMiguel was not an accident. Did I know it was part of my future, no. However, I now find myself blessed with the amazing and humbling opportunity to serve the greater glory of God (Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam) as the Head of School for NativityMiguel. In that capacity, I have the opportunity to create new hope, new possibility and rebirth for its students and families. All of which, in turn, have a profound impact on our greater community.
As the staff of NativityMiguel Buffalo reflects on why they are here, I want to encourage you, as a supporter, to reflect on the same concept. It is my hope that you are here because you truly believe in our work. It is my hope that you recognize the difference we make in the lives of our students and their families. It is my hope that you understand the importance of your support so we can continue offering an exceptional education to our students.
In your reflection and discernment, I am kindly requesting you consider making a gift to NativityMiguel Buffalo’s Annual Fund Campaign this year, either as a returning donor or as a new donor. The funds raised through this campaign directly support the work we do to prepare our students for success in high school and beyond.
Every donation makes a difference and brings our students one step closer to achieving their full potential! Thank you in advance for your support!
God Bless,
Chris Pitek