Annual Appeal 2020
Annual Fund Campaign 2020

The beginning of the school year always brings me a sense of hope and possibility. What has been most striking to me this year has been the resiliency, not only of our students, but of our teachers and staff as well. Our entire school community has approached the new “normal” with wisdom, courage and grace, all the while preparing for the possibility of a return to fully remote learning sometime this year.
As you may know, a Nativity Miguel education requires an investment of $10,000 or more per student each year. Most of our families can cover only a small fraction of that – and they make whatever sacrifices they can to give their children a chance for better futures.
Each year, you have helped us bridge the gap between the true cost of a NativityMiguel education and the ability of our families to pay. This year the need is more acute because, among other factors, we had to cancel our single biggest fundraising event—the annual Scholars Award Banquet. We need your help more than ever before to support the NativityMiguel Annual Fund.
When you make a gift to NativityMiguel, you help to ensure that our students receive:
- An exceptional education from teachers who work tirelessly to engage, inspire, and challenge them both in-school and on-line
- Support beyond graduation, including financial aid for our forty-two graduates at private high schools
- The opportunity to build strong relationships with our teachers and staff, thanks to a low student-to-teacher ratio
- An opportunity to realize their full potentials in a safe, nurturing, and respectful learning environment
Thank you so much for your consideration, your generous support of NativityMiguel, and for knowing that we stand with our students and their families in making a very real difference in our community.
Nancy M. Langer
NativityMiguel’s Advisory Program
Three times per year, NativityMiguel students meet with their assigned advisors—our faculty members—to discuss their academic progress and set goals. Called Advisory Days, these days incorporate enrichment activities designed to broaden our students’ exposure to new ideas and experiences, build teamwork, and encourage positive decision-making. Recent activities include STEM-themed experiments, team-building challenges, art projects, and even cooking lessons!
The students’ goals are a main feature of their Personalized Education Plans, which include objective data, teacher assessments, and a structured tutoring program. Our students provided this feedback on the impact of goal-setting:
“My advisor helped me understand how I can achieve my goal. I am determined to achieve my goal, and I thank my advisor for putting me on this right track.”
“It is helpful to set a goal with my advisor because it really helps me focus on something positive [and] it boosts my confidence.”
At NativityMiguel, our students’ tuition payments, which cover just 5% of the school’s operating costs, are a sacrifice families make to give their children a chance at a better future. To deliver an education that includes extended learning time, personal mentoring, graduate support, and a spiritual foundation, we look to the community to bridge the gap between what our families can afford to pay—and the $10,000 needed to educate each student.
Please give generously to this year’s Annual Fund Drive. Your donation will help us continue to provide high-impact programs, like the Advisory Program, to our exceptional students. Thank you for your support!
To learn more about our impact, our re-opening experience, and ways you can help our students click here to read our newsletter.