Annual Fund Campaign 2017

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If you polled our faculty, you would find that a visit from a former student is a very special event. Fortunately, it is not unusual for our graduates to stop by to visit their former teachers and receive encouragement and advice.

Without realizing it, our graduates are shining examples of the amazing transformations our teachers strive to achieve with each student. Under the watchful eye of our amazing faculty, students from difficult backgrounds are learning to channel their energy and intellect in a positive direction. They are getting the opportunity to reach their potentials. They are succeeding in high schools and colleges they never dreamed of attending. Our ultimate goal of
helping them break the cycle of poverty through education is becoming a reality.

“I can tell you today that the opportunity to attend NativityMiguel has impacted my life and opened many doors that unfortunately would have been very difficult or nearly impossible to break through.”

I am who I am today because of my journey through St. Monica’s… Sometimes I think to myself where would I be if I had not been accepted to Sacred Heart…I hope you continue to help many more people just like me so they one day can return the favor and give back to the world.

M.D. ’16

Anthony Galvan is one example of the power a NativityMiguel education provides. His mother, a single parent, worked hard to provide for Anthony and his brother while instilling in them the value of an education. Leveraging the preparation provided by his teachers and longer school days, Anthony earned admission to Canisius High School and then the University of Rochester. A position as a Credit and Portfolio Analyst for Citibank brought him back to Buffalo. Today he is giving back to NativityMiguel as an inaugural member of our Junior Board and a member of the Board of Trustees Recruitment Committee.

You can imagine the pride in the faces of his teachers and the amazement in the eyes of our current students the first time Anthony stopped by the school dressed for a business luncheon downtown. Anthony’s success would not have been possible without your generous investment in his future and that of other students like him. As Anthony himself has stated, “I can tell you today that the opportunity to attend NativityMiguel has impacted my life and opened many doors that unfortunately would have been very difficult or nearly impossible to break through.”

Your contribution toward our annual fund goal of $100,000 will provide more students like Anthony with the extended school day and school year, personal mentoring, single-gender campuses and ongoing support through high school graduation that can lead them to a brighter future.

Please help our students become more than they imagined. We value your support.


Nancy Langer Signature

Nancy M. Langer